N-I-N-E [9] W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L years~!!!
Dear Mocha . . .
Thank you for enriching my life every single day. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for being the first thing that makes me smile when I wake and the last thing that makes me smile before I fall asleep. Thank you for being patient when I work long hours and can’t play with you. Thank you for entertaining me when I need a break from work. Thank you for making me happy daily. Thank you for reminding me that love is easy to share. Thank you for waiting by the window or door for me to return. Thank you for waking me with your gentle paw every morning. Thank you for barking when the mailman has come. Thank you for not barking when I take you to local stores. Thank you growling when someone gets too close to me. (yes, I don’t like random strangers invading my personal space…ha.ha) Thank you for being one big little dog. Thank you for the simple things, like chasing squirrels or chasing balls or squeaking your toys. Thank you for reminding me how very precious life can be.
I hope I am worthy of all the blessings you’ve brought into my life. I am so thankful because you make me a better human. AND please know that I LOVE you more than your little puppy heart will ever know. Thank You for being the best FurBaby I could ever hope for.
love, xoxoxoxoox Your Mommie
Angel this is an awesome tribute to my little Angel who has brought so much happiness into out lives. Mocha know Grandmudder loves U very much, God Bless & a job well done xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo