Its been a very busy and exciting week. I have some beautiful photos from a wedding to share in the next day or two. With my insanely hectic schedule, today was definitely a day in need of an energy boost. Since we’ve had no sunshine in the past 72 hours, its hard to get the motivation that fresh air & sunshine provides. With the rain continuing to fall, relaxing me a little too much and my body running on empty…I decided that I needed some quick e-n-e-r-g-y! Weirdly enough, the Starbucks Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, that I had early this morning has long powered out. So I grab the next best thing…an AMP energy drink. It may be the enormous crush I have on Dale Jr…but these drinks just really rock my world. 😉 So here’s to having s very productive second part to my day. I’m not worried about the kick its gonna give, because I will probably be up working still at 3am anyways. ha ha.
Great shot! Almost makes me want to drink it but I’m a Gordon girl myself. :)-
cassandra your posts are too cute! hope you have an awesome weekend!
awwww there’s Mocha in the background 😉
Don’t work too hard!! 🙂
I have two other cans! You should come down and take a pictures!