This is my Mom, Yvonne. She is so many wonderful things, but mostly she is an amazing MOM. I can contribute my morals…my values…my honesty…my compassionate heart…my generosity…my loyalty…my funny sense of humor…my optimism…my strive for success…my Christian beliefs and so many more things to HER and to her guidance. She has been my inspiration, a role model and one of my biggest supporters. She is an amazing MOM!

Words could never truly express my gratitude to her…poems could never truly describe how perfect she is and I can never repay her for all she has sacrificed for me and our family. She is an amazing MOM.

It is on this day every year that I reflect on my childhood…how lucky I was to have her. I remember the flash cards she would hand make to help me with words at an early age…I remember all the hours she would spend helping me with school projects…the trips she would make to drive me to piano lessons & so many extracurricular school activities…the time she spent helping with school work to make sure I was always on the honor role…and the extra effort she made to ensure that I was in school daily, resulting in me receiving an honor at graduation for “12 years perfect attendance”! She was…and still is an amazing MOM.

This is a day I would like to take the opportunity to THANK my MOM…to tell her I LOVE her…to tell her I APPRECIATE her and to tell her that she is one of the GREATEST MOMS EVER! I want her to know that her sacrifices were worth it and that today is a day she should be PROUD…because I AM PROUD that she is my mother.

This is my Mom and she is AMAZING!

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to my friends…to my family members and everyone who is a mother.

Have a wonderful and blessed day~©

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