Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day (as defined by Wikipedia) is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks, traditionally to God, for the things that one has at the conclusion of the harvest season. Thanksgiving is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.”

I believe every day should be Thanksgiving…every day we should be appreciative and thankful to God for our life, our friends, our family, our jobs, our health, homes…Be THANKFUL for something…anything. I wish I could sit and write everything I am Thankful for on this day, but I certainly would not have time to enjoy the wonderful dinner my Mom has prepared if I did so. But to sum it up, I am THANKFUL for every single person in my life…friends, family & collegues. I am THANKFUL that I have the opportunity to do something I am so passionate about and I am excited to see what the future holds for my photography business. I am so THANKFUL that I have been blessed with clients that believe in me and trust me as I begin new endeavors with my photography. I am THANKFUL for so many things and I hope while YOU are reading this, YOU too can think of something you are THANKFUL for.

May you, your family & your friends have a most wonderful and BLESSED THANKSGIVING DAY!

My thoughts and prayers are always with our troops and their families on a day like today…I am THANKFUL for all they do that we may enjoy the freedoms we have.


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