This is a very dear and wonderful friend, Anna. I’ve posted on her before and several times on her most adorable little boy, Brooks. It’s always amazing to me to see her smile when she holds him, when she plays with him and even when she is just letting him sleep in her arms. This is the happiness you hope everyone has with a child. Brooks is always, always stylish and in the coolest clothes. His wardrobe is probably larger than mine…ha.ha. He is just simply too cute for words. Here are a few of the photos I snapped and wanted to share.

I just love the expression on his face here…too cute.

A favorite of mine…

I could not post without including Anna’s other child, Barkley. This doggie, as I’ve mentioned before, is “as spoiled” as my Mocha. She is truly a member of their family and such an amazing pet. Her story started off sad, but quickly became a happy one.

She was found behind a dumpster and both her front legs were broke. The vet wanted to put her to sleep because she was in such bad shape, but the girls in his office had already fallen in love with her. They all pooled money together and paid for her surgery. (WOW!) Anna’s Mom ended up with Barkley. Barkley stayed in casts for about 6 weeks and then did doggie physical therapy. My friend Anna came home to her Mom’s…feel in love and begged to have Barkley. That’s how Barkley became Anna’s first child. The vet never thought Barkley would walk, but now she walks & runs faster than all the other doggies. She is blessed to have a loving family with Anna, Jeff & baby Brooks. Her’s is a story that reminds us how fragile & precious life is and how strong a pet’s will to live can be.
*Kymberli…I thought this story would make you smile. Kymberli is my blog friend and she volunteers at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center (in California). Often she will post on the wonderful animals that touch her life.

OK, back to Barkley…isn’t she GORGEOUS!

Here are a couple of pics Anna took of Brooks & Barkley and emailed me….ahhhhhhhhhh. so cute! The first one is my favorite.

Here is Daisy, she was just content relaxing by herself.

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