creativeLIVE and Tamara Lackey : Taking Care of Business

I constantly try to push myself and my business to the next level.  A big part of this is continually “educating” myself.  I don’t mind investing money in a great workshop or buying a book to read (or 5, which is currently the # of books on my desk…yikes) or spending hours in front of my computer watching videos or live broadcasts.  I believe this all is just part of me being a small business owner.  And fortunately in my creative industry there are tons of people willing to SHARE their KNOWLEDGE & time to help others.

Today was one of those days.  I sat at my computer editing, while running the latest creativeLIVE broadcast on my ipad next to me.  I called it multi-tasking. The editing was a bit slow because I found myself taking a ton of notes, but it was worth it.  Today’s speaker & teacher was a super fabulous photographer from North Carolina, named Tamara Lackey.  I’ve been friends with her on facebook for awhile, so it was nice to finally see & hear her, even if it was via the internet.  She is a photographer, a mom and a super extraordinary business woman.  If you would like to read more about her, visit her site here : Tamara Lackey Photography.  She is highly respected within the photographer industry, so to be able to gain some knowledge from her was a true blessing.  And it was all FREE through creativeLIVE.   Thank You Tamara for giving of yourself, your knowledge & your experience to help others.

Here are a few screen shots I took of the live broadcast.

There is a lot of work, people & equipment needed to provide these free live workshops.  creativeLIVE is sponsored by one of my favorite places to buy camera gear & other photography equipment, B&H Photo.  Thanks B&H~!

To finish off the amazing day, Tamara had a skype session with the well-known photographer, Matthew Jordan Smith.  His photography is as impressive as his client list, which carries some very well known celebrity names.  Matthew is well-respected and admired among the photography community.  In the interview he was genuine and truly inspiring.

Tamara was kind to share some quotes during her presentation.  One quote that really stuck with me is shown below.  I think everyone at some point in their life has a fear of failure.  This quote really puts a different perspective on how you look at failure and how it may be the very reason you do succeed.  I printed this already and put on my desk as a reminder.

Any photographers interested in buying the two day course (which is very reasonable for 2 full days of Tamara’s knowledge) can visit creativeLIVE for more info (  Or you can watch part two on Saturday Sept 10.

I am so happy I work in an industry comprised of such TALENTED & AMAZING people~!

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