Below are a few photos I took as Hanna passed by Savannah the other day. Tybee never really has any waves, so it was neat to see a few, even if they were small. I waited until late in the evening to go and even though it was getting dark, I still got a couple shots. Everything looked grey and dreary, but the breeze was nice and refreshing. Many prayers for those in areas where Hanna left damage or flooding.
Have a blessed day~cass
These shots are tremendous! I especially like the delicacy captured in the first, as well as the fortitude displayed in the second pic. You are truly gifted to capture the beauty of God’s creation.
Blessings to you and your family. 🙂
BEAUTIFUL…What a GREAT eye you have and an AMAZING shot…GREAT timing as well!
hey cass:-) thx for stoppin’ by, as for shooting with RF, it has been a while. my new job is so bearing on my very physical body. what makes that so hard to believe is that the new job is a desk job! i am a builder through and through.
i love shooting with rf, he is a super fotog shooter and he is one of my best buds a great father and husband. most of all he is a great man of GOD.
i look so forward to meeting you. there are a few people that i love to follow and learn from their work and yours is right at the top of my list. it is not just that you take great fotogsbut i connect with what i see and read. Thank you and God bless you and yours ;-} {A MOMENT IN TIME}
2nd and last shots are cool! Must have been on pins and needles wondering what was going to happen. Looks like God was watching out for you. The last shot makes the wave look like it’s about to come right on top of you. Nice!
Angel, Great Job, beautiful shots, I especially love,love,love the last one. They are all awesome!!! God Bless