I HEART FACES is an online blog/photography site which hosts weekly contests, giveaways and even shares amazing photography tips. A place for beginners, amateurs, semi-pros and even professional photographers to connect, share, get inspired, learn, make friends and have FUN! Co-Owners Amy & Angie have opened a place online for ANYONE who loves photography. Anyone can go to their site and submit photos for their contest . . . anyone can be a part of the vast community of awesome people who all share a LOVE for PHOTOGRAPHY!
I recently found the blogspot and I knew they must be really cool people when I saw this week’s challenge was I Heart Faces : PETS. Any kind of pet or animal photo can be submitted today until 9 pm CST. Now you ALL are probably expecting a photo of Mocha . . . hummmmmmmmm, but not this time . . . he gets quite enough “face-time” on my blog as it is. Ssshhhhhhh, don’t tell Mocha that I didn’t submit his photo . . . he might get mad at me. ha ha.
Anyways . . . I decided I should think outside-the-box, so I chose this awesome guy. I took this photo on Palomino Island while on my trip to Fajardo, Puerto Rico. Isn’t he the coolest?
This week’s guest judge is a rocking 18 year old photographer from southwest Florida, Emilee Fuss. She is already winning awards for her artistic photography of people & PETS! Go Emily! I wish I had known at 18 that my passion for Photography could also be my career . . . I was still thinking of it as a fun hobby. Best to you!
Also . . . be sure to check out some of the amazing photos people submitted at I HEART FACES : PETS !
I can’t believe you cheated on Mocha!! Haha — I LOVE this shot though. Wow … very cool looking. I’d be scared to get that close 😉
Cool textures and colors!