Jacque and Tim’s Wedding day was FULL of KEY WEST and things that make me love this little island. There was a First Look at the beautiful Hemingway Home [blog post coming next on that], a wedding at The Key West Garden Club with the amazing tropical gardens, a limo ride to the ocean, fun landmarks and ended with an amazing reception on the rooftop of Bagatelle. It was a day of anticipation, excitement, fun, laughter, happy tears and special memories that will surely last a lifetime.
Here are some of my favorite images from the day. These definitely go down as some of my most “FAVORITE BRIDAL SHOES”. I’m in love.
Perfect bouquet by Love in Bloom….
Tim looking dapper in his French Blue Suit. NICE~!
Love this bow tie . . .
These custom made cufflinks are actually old buttons from a Fire Department Dress Coat. You guessed it, Tim is a FIREMAN. Love them. [AND thank you for your service Tim]
Jacque’s bridal hairpiece is from her Mother’s Wedding Dress from the 70’s. Something old and special…
Jacque, you were radiant . . . your happiness can be seen in all your photos.
I love this candid shot as they exited….those SMILES….that says it all.
I just love this photo. Thank you Jacque for trusting me to pose you – obviously you are easy to photograph. 🙂
This banyan tree is just massive…
Let’s go for a limo ride . . .
Of course some of my favorite images of the day are ones near the ocean. I love shooting with the azul colored water in the background….simply breathtaking.
Just stop being so BEAUTIFUL YOU TWO~!!!!!!!!!!!
Another couple favorites of mine…
As I have stated in previous blog posts, photos at the Cuban Coffee Queen Post Card Sign never get old to me. I love this mural painted by Letty Novak. I had several FAVORITES here at this location too.
A new favorite photo here….
Another Key West Landmark is the Concrete Buoy marking the Southernmost Point in the Continental USA.
Strolling across Duval Street in formal attire…YES~!
Jacque and Tim chose the Rooftop of Bagatelle for their wedding reception. It was amazing.
Beautiful cake from “Cakes by Karol” . . .
Thank You Jacque for a little attitude and working it for my camera. You are one FUN and BEAUTIFUL BRIDE~!!!!!!!!
The nighttime lighting on the rooftop of Bagatelle provides a very romantic atmosphere…
Look….a full moon.
Thank You Jacque and Tim, your family and all your friends for being so WONDERFUL and treating me like part of your family. I was so honored to be part of your day. My wishes for a lifetime of love, laughter and more amazing memories like you had in Key West~!!!! all my love.