I’ve been trying to figure out how to make myself more open to clients, other photographers & other bloggers. One thing I’ve discovered on my search is that you should simply “BE REAL”. Don’t try to put on an act or be what you think everyone wants to see. Instead, “BE YOURSELF” and show your uniqueness.

I am a “genuine” person. I am genuine with all my friends, family, my clients, fellow photographers & business acquaintances. This is how I’ve always been and how I will always be. I don’t pretend, this is me…the good, the bad & sometimes the ugly (yes this comes from long work hours & lack of sleep, which sometimes will result in what I like to call “scary hair days”…LOL). Anyways, I don’t try to boast or brag or make myself out to be something I’m not. I am quick to say that “I am still learning”…still learning about photography & still learning my camera. I am also quick to tell you that the road has not been easy. I am honest about my struggles, about my disappointments and about the brick walls I hit. But that is OK, because I know that God is with me and will always be there to pick me up if I fall. My happiness overflows when things go right, not because I want to pat myself on the back, but just because it feels so good. I see achievements in my hard work, my sweat & my tears. I see the accomplishments I’ve made and I am proud, because I know I put so much of myself into my photography and my business.

So to get to my point, I’m trying to let people see “ME”. I want my face near my business name, to show that I am personable and to show that I take pride in my business. I am trying to re-brand my image and get it to where it shows who I am, what’s in my heart & what’s in my soul. I am making a few temporary changes and I have plans to re-do my logo, business cards and my blog. For now though, I am adding another photo to my website under my BIO section. I wanted to explain why I’m adding the new images. I don’t want people to think I am vain & just like to see photos of myself…ha.ha…LOL, because that is so NOT true! (I like being behind the camera, not in front of it.) But the reason is simple, so you can see that “yes I am friendly” and that “I love to laugh”…(which is evident by my laugh lines, as I like to call them). Of course Mocha is in the photo too because he draws attention away from me with all of his “cuteness”! *Thanks to my sis, Lydia, for snapping this photo for me* At least now when people see my name, they can put a face to it. So please do not judge…I look a little goofy & silly with my mouth wide open…ha.ha. But hey, welcome…this is me.

Have a blessed day~cass

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