to do lists . . .

Not sure what happened in Sept and this first week in Oct, but seems like I can’t find time to blog or read any of my magazines or go through my mail or pay my bills.  YIKES!  I looked at my desk this morning and dreadfully decided I need to tackle all the stuff that has been piling up.  I still have a long way to go, but at least I made some small progress.   I was surprised to find old notes & projects that I wanted to start, but they never made it past the pre-planning stages.   So today I accumulated all the multiple sticky notes & pad notes and put them in one pile.  I promised myself to make ONE single “to-do” list tonight, because even with my OCD and high organization skills . . . my desk looked like a tornado hit it, twice.   On a happy note, I found all my design notes for tweaking my blog & website.  I got excited and put those items on the top of my list.

For now, here is a photo to show you I’m not exaggerating.

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