Here are a few final surfing photos from last week as Hurricane Irene passed 200 miles off the coast of Tybee Island, GA. All the following photos were shot on my Canon 5D Mark II N. Sadly, I left my faster camera (Canon EOS-1D Mark II N) at home, because I wasn’t expecting to be shooting such amazing action from the surfers. However, my Canon 5D didn’t disappoint me. I had FUN~!
And as with the last post. I wanted to include this . . . Disclaimer : I am “not” a sports photographer, I was simply photographing for hobby. I am sure there are other photographers with more skills who are much better at photographing surfers. Again, I was just doing this for fun.
Michael made me tired just watching him. He never stopped finding a wave~!
Zach & some east coast waves. Being from California, I hope he wasn’t disappointed.
The next few photos are desaturated in color & tone . . .
At this point, it was too dark to shoot, the sun had set and I actually could not really see Tyler surfing. But I still was able to grab these last two photos. [Shooting with my Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM : 6400 ISO on my Canon 5D Mark II N.] AND yes, the photo has a little noise/grain, but it was dark out at this point. I was just happy to get a few last pics.
*If you are one of the surfers & I didn’t get to ask you about posting photos here on my blog, PLEASE email me if you would like me to remove any images above.
THANK YOU~! cassandra-m (email :
Angel, WOW, great shots, Love # 6 & last two. – God Bless