Aunt Mae

This is my aunt…she just had a birthday and turned the amazingly young age of 83. That’s right 83 and what better way to celebrate than to document how much fun you still are. It’s hard to explain to people how full of life she is, so I opted to show with pictures instead.

This was one of my favorites, although this does not truly show her funny personality. She described this photo as showing the more “pleasant” and calm side of her….ha.ha.


She is mostly smiles…she is mostly laughs…my Aunt Mae is mostly F-U-N! It must run in the family. You put her and my Mom together and you have “double the trouble” and “double the fun”…


She also likes to act a little silly once in a while. I am so glad I was quick enough to snap this shot.


I fell in love with this old tree that had up rooted along the sand dunes.


I always love shooting around the cattails…



Yes, the sky was this BLUE, but only because a rain storm was on the way. Luckily, the rain held out until the end and the brewing storm gave me a beautiful dark blue background to shoot with. I love the contrast with Aunt Mae’s beautiful pink blouse.



I did talk her into one quick outfit change to finish up the shoot…although at this point it was getting really dark and the storm was quickly approaching. It did start to sprinkle rain on us, but I was able to get a few last shots.



Most of the shoot Aunt Mae and I both were laughing and cutting up. We had such a blast and at one point she had an audience of people looking on. I think they enjoyed watching her and could clearly tell she was having fun. I think for 83 years old she is living her life in a happy active way that inspires so many of us that know her. She is so full of energy and so full of joy…she is so full of life~


Have a blessed day~cass

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