Go DALE JR!!!!

So this past weekend was the Nascar Coke Zero 400 in Daytona, FL. I was there to support & show love for the one and only…Dale JR, who I “not-so-secretly” have a crush on…ha.ha. It was an amazing weekend of races and I will probably be on cloud nine for awhile. Here is a photo I took of the side of one of the trucks…oooohhhhhhh & aaaaahhhhhh!!

Here are the cars right before the race was to start…I was clapping & moving, so this photo has got a little motion blur…ha.ha.

During the day, the cars were awesome. They had everything roped off so you had to try and shoot around the Nascar officials and the crew members. I was able to get a couple shots of JR’s car. Here is the rear during the day….

And here is the rear at night as he sped by…The cars were going so fast, which made it hard to get good photos. Especially sitting high in the stands with my little point-and-shoot camera..ha.ha. I added a little photoshop effect to bring out the night colors and blur.

Here are some of my older hats with JR’s previous colors and his old #8. He is now driving under the #88, but these hats remain very close and dear to my heart. They have seen many races.

And why YES, my hat is actually autographed by Dale JR himself!!!! He made a public appearance at the Nascar Cafe in Orlando, when I lived there. I was able to get him to autograph this and it is definitely my most, most, most favorite hat of all time!!!!

This is my new hat and I am already hoping to get it signed at some point.

Have a blessed day~©

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