I wanted to wish everyone a “safe & happy” Halloween. I’ve been in 5 other states in the past 4 days, so I didn’t have time to get Mocha a new costume for this Halloween. Sad face 🙁 But I am sure that he was completely OK with that…he is not a huge fan of costumes. Mocha does great with t-shirts and jackets, but the costume thing just freaks him out a little.
I did want to get some photos today to share, so I pulled out a Halloween costume from a couple years back. It is a “bat” that goes on his head (in case you were wondering) and he was not too excited about it pushing his ears down. He was semi-tolerate, but would not let me put his ears through the holes. Since clearly he was not in the mood for playing dress-up, I didn’t push the issue with him…ha.ha. However, he was wonderful while I quickly snapped a couple photos…
Then quickly…he was done! He had enough of the Halloween experience and wanted this thing off his head. The last photo to me was hilarious. As I saw him becoming frustrated, I did immediately take it off. Then he got lots of kisses & treats for being so good for that 2 minutes of costume torture…ha. ha.
Afterwards he was sporting a “hair-do” kinda like mine was today, a little scary…which only seems appropriate for Halloween day.
Well, have a safe weekend and a blessed day~cass!
by she i meant he…..so sorry!
Oh my goodness! He is so cute 🙂 I think secretly he liked his costume… I saw the picture where he was grinning 😉
oh i love love love the sequence!! that made me smile big!!! hope you had a happy halloween!
Mocha, Grandmudder is going to come down and spank your Mommie if she doesn’t stop torturing you with these costumes, ha, ha. Angel great job & Mocha is just too cute —- God Bless