I wanted to share a few more photos of some of the churches before moving on to other attractions like the Pretoria Fountain in Palermo, which was very cool & Quattro Canti, which is officially known as Piazza Vigliena. For now, here are a couple more churches in Palermo.
It looks like it was really bright inside, but ACTUALLY some churches were very dark. I could hardly even see what was painted on the ceiling with my naked eye. SInce I did not use flash at any time, I just tried to shoot at a high ISO and as wide open as possible to still keep my images in focus. Lucky for me, my amazing Canon 5d Mark II allows me to shoot at a high ISO with very little noise. Some churches were bright, but many were really dark. The first time I saw some of the paintings on the ceilings was after I uploaded the photos onto my computer. I was even more blown away with the beauty of the architecture and the paintings. Below are a few more photos I wanted to share.
Their attention to detail was most impressive.
Wow! So impressed! Beautiful photos!
Angel, These pics are awesome & I am really enjoying them – Fantastic Job — God Bless
These are the most beautiful pictures in the world!!