Yea…My LIGHTROOM software arrived! I am so excited to incorporate it into my post-processing. I’ve been using Apple’s Aperture software combined with Adobe’s Photoshop CS2, so this will definitely be a big change for me to switch over. Last month I blogged about “EDITING PHOTOS” and the time involved in simply taking RAW images from the camera and getting them ready for your clients. No matter if you keep your images clean & simple, which I try to do…or if you “photoshop” the heck out of them, time is involved either way.
I also talked about a very informative video webinar given by the amazing photographer & entrepreneur, Nathan Holritz. He gave valuable advice and information on how to use Adobe’s Lightroom in processing your final images quickly and efficiently. Check out his company which handles any large jobs for you, like weddings…it’s a newer company that is geared to help photographer’s shoot more and edit less. It is awesome. Here’s his link :
Feel free to leave comments about Lightroom if you have experience. I am very excited to learn more about it and hopefully will be able to quickly adapt and use it to become more efficient with my time in editing. All photographer’s know how you can get lost working with images from a shoot. I believe Lightroom is meant as a tool for the overall batch processing, so I will still be using Adobe’s Photoshop CS2 to fine tweak some of my favorites. I will blog later about my opinions of Lightroom, once I’ve been able to work more with it. Again, please feel free to leave comments if you’ve worked with this software. Thanks.
@Zach…THANK YOU for this information. I am sure other will appreciate an “experienced” opinion, so thank you for sharing. Much appreciation for your time to comment. best always.
Hey! Zach here (Jody Gray’s hubby). We use Adobe Lightroom exclusively and have for about three years now. It is an amazing program and we use it to it’s full advantage for sure. We can edit about 1,200 images from a shoot in around 2.5 hours. All of our work is done in Lightroom and none of our look is achieved through Photoshop. Lightroom does have it’s limitations though. If you do not shoot images that are really close (as far as lighting goes) in-camera, then you can only do so much in Lightroom. We are pretty serious about shooting images correctly in-camera, so that when we take them into Lightroom, they are about 90% there and just need some minor tweaks. It is extra work on the wedding day, but well worth it when editing time is next to nothing.
We know that you will enjoy working with the program and there is a Lightroom 2 book out by Scott Kelby that is very informative too!! Have a great weekend and love the blog!!
I love Lightroom but I’m not expert at it, so no advice from me! LOL
Very Good Post, Adobe Lightroom is great software for image editing.
Just came across your blog and wanted to say hi! Is that you up top with your dog? Too fun! We love Adobe Lightroom! That is where we do ALL of our editing for our images. It’s great!
Lightroom is soooo great!!! I hope you enjoy it!! I don’t think I could edit without it…honestly!!!
@Jackie…Lightroom 2 downloads RAW files with no problem. You can then use Lightroom & Photoshop together for editing. I will drop you an email with some more info.
Hey Cass! I shoot in jpeg all the time. If I start shooting raw, can lightroom load raw files? Or do you need a seperate program for raw files? I have photoshop CS3 and I know it cannot open raw files. Thanks a bunch! I can’t wait to hear your experience with lightroom. Funny thing, I was thinking about buying it too. I hear so many great things about it.