When life gives you lemons…make Lemonade!

That’s what I like to say. I always try to look at things from a good viewpoint, I like to consider myself an optimist. Although at times, this can be difficult, I still always try to remain positive & see the cup as being half full. I think that God sometimes gives us trials to make us stronger people, to help build our character and to remind us that prayer is always an option.

A couple weeks ago, I got a whole batch of lemons in my life. I felt like my faith was definitely being tested…I was angry, frustrated but mostly I was disappointed. I struggled with a lot of feelings, it was a roller coaster of emotions. Although I became aggravated as I dealt with the situation & the brick walls I continued to hit day after day…I knew that prayer would be my greatest comfort. And yes, prayer was the answer! Prayer brought me comfort in the form of a friend. A very close & dear friend of mine became the shining beam of light I was so desperately seeking. She went over and beyond to help me…she reminded me what a true friend is made of. She showed me her kindness and for that I am grateful and very appreciative. She is a perfect example of having “beauty” inside and out. Again, Thank You Robyn, you inspire me to be a better person!

Below are a couple more photos of these lemons…I wanted to show the enormous size of them. My sister got them from a co-worker & they are huge. WOW! By the way, we grew the little baby lemon on the left…ha.ha. Isn’t it cute? Perfect for a couple glasses of sweet ice tea 🙂

I believe that we all have the ability to make choices. I believe these choices are part of what defines us and it is these choices that help make up our character & our personalities. Choices we make will affect what people think about us and how we are perceived by our friends, family & our peers. Make wise choices…think about your actions and the decisions you make and how they will affect others. If it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t a good decision. ~cass

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