Sex And The City

My most anticipated movie for this year…Sex and the City. The girls are back and I am too excited to catch up on work and see this movie. Shoes, Fashion, Designer Bags and Accessories will definitely be front and center in this movie. Check out the website for the movie…Sex And The City.

I was addicted to the series and loved the bond these four women share. It reminds me of my own friendships and how very important a “true friend” can be. In good times and bad, friends like this can be counted on…to laugh with you, cry with you, share in your successes, pick you up when you fall, encourage you and also inspire you…friends like this last a lifetime. I am TRULY BLESSED to say “I have friends like this!!!

Thank You to all those friends of mine…YOU being a part of my life has made me a better person.

Have a blessed day~©

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