So I awoke this am to the sounds of lawns mowers blazing (both the push & riding kinds)…blowers full speed…kids screaming as they played outside…the roar of cars passing by, traffic was busier than usual, since it is a beach day here…I awoke to all the chaotic sounds I am use to on a Saturday. I gathered my thoughts and made myself an extra large ice coffee, then sat down to check a few emails. My mom usually emails me daily and this is what I received this am…

Good Morning my darling children…
Just wanted to say Hi and I hope that U have a blessed day. I have been up since 4 AM, got my hair shampooed and am now I’m washing clothes. It is so peaceful and beautiful this morning. I am enjoying all the sounds of nature…the birds are singing & the crickets are singing too. I walked over to the sink & looked out the window. I watched the deer feeding in the yard, not even afraid, so amazing & I just had to thank God for His goodness. Even tho I get lonely, it is just so peaceful here. Know I Love & Miss U….
Love & Prayers Mama

WOW…I stopped and read her email three times & just sat and tried to imagine what peace she was feeling. Then I promised myself at some point today that I would stop work & back away from my computer and take a break. I sometimes get so involved with editing or emailing or internet surfing/researching or visiting favorite websites or checking out my favorite blogs…well you get the idea…anyways, I get so lost in my computer I forget to stop and take a breath for myself. Today my Mom’s email reminded me how precious life can be if we just take a minute to stop and enjoy. So that is exactly what I did this evening.

I went outside and sat in the swing, listened to the windchimes and watched the birds. As I sat there looking over the back yard I noticed the green, green grass and how the blades were swaying in the wind. (Our grass hasn’t been cut in awhile so it’s pretty plush…ha.ha) Anyways, I remembered as a kid laying in the grass at my parents’ house for hours…watching the clouds roll by & finding fascinating shapes in them. (I think we all have probably done this.) Well, I also remembered how great that felt, so I decided to go and lay down in the grass. It was a wonderful feeling and even Mocha enjoyed it. He would roll in the tall grass & look over to see if I was watching him…I seriously think he was trying to show me how happy he was. So we lay there, watched the clouds roll by and just smelled the grass. Oh, I know everyone always says “take time to smell the roses” but that would be more like my sister, I’m more of a “smell the grass” kinda girl. And I loved it today. Mocha was so funny, he would twitch his nose & smell & smell & smell. You know a dog’s sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 to 100,000 more sensitive than ours. Well, he was so cute that I ran in the house and grabbed my camera to get a few pics. I just had to share.

It has been a couple very hectic weeks and I am glad I stopped today to catch my breath. I hope each of you take time to “smell the grass” or “smell the roses”…whichever suits you.

Have a blessed day~cass

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